Austin Dragon Days 4-8

Day 4- Dixie tackles the head

 DAY 5

The crest of the Dragon is formed...

middle hump has all it's scales!

The tail of the monster gets it's "stripes"...

and the nape of the creature's neck forms it's beautiful armor

the face and horns come alive!


sea life gets installed on the neck of the creature

shells and starfish ride a cresting wave on the tail
the tail shows a bit of its green underside

 a detailed pattern on "Nessy's" eye sockets and forehead

3 parts of "Nessy" close to completion at the end of DAY 8

Austin Dragon Days 1-3

"Nessy's" monstrous head is unveiled at Blue Genie!
Mosaika arrives with Dixie Friend Gay on Day 1

 The snake's middle hump emerges...

Emily, Mike and Lorna! Family at work

Day 3 Dixie and Mike grapple with the beast's mid-section

"Nessy's" scales glisten with tile from Blackbird Mosaic

"Nessy"... ever watchful.